Nail Polish
Sharpie Pen


Hello, and welcome.
This is insidious.

7.18.02- Added sketch of some made-up chick whose name is Fedora, for some reason. She's a bit goth, I suppose. My style's getting sleeker.

7.17.02- Added sketch of Cynth to FormSplat. yay!

6.22.02- Whew... now that it's summer.. again.. I have time to fool around with this sort of thing again. How cool is that? Anyhow, I finished the siku scan/color, reorganized the art page, and made plans to scan in some of the better things from my sketchbook just raw. And maybe a few choice photos of some of the ceramics I did last year, if you're lucky. More like if I'm not lazy. But hey, it could happen. Really.

7.18.01- I've been getting into art this summer, sketching, pen&ink, and all sorts of other stuff. Scanners are fun. So I figured I'd do an art site to both provide a random reason to show off my art and a way to fool around with some of the finer points of web design... Prospective employers out there would be very welcome to email me at

Anyhow. The links bar on the left should be pretty explanatory, as long as you can read competently and tell apart my sarcasm from actual links. Explore, devour, have fun. Flames and exclaims should be emailed to me, since I sadly am not telepathic. | Vanilla Syhin |